I'm not, I'm just...
I'm not stubborn, I just don't care to help someone who doesn't like me !
I'm not full of myself, I just like the way I think !
I'm not the best at everything, I just try my best and get good results !
I'm not ignorant, I just don't care about negative opinions !
You may ...
You may be bullied, but that makes you strong !
You may feel depressed, but that makes you appreciate all of the good moments in life !
You may feel ugly, but there will always be someone who thinks that you are beautiful !
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem
Would you ?
If I were a geek, would you still love me ?
If I got beaten, would you stand up for me ?
If I beat them back, would you look at me differently ?
If I started cutting, would you care enough to stop me ?
And if I took my own life, would you regret not stopping me ?
Don't !
If you can't see me for who I am, don't look at me,
if you can't stand my jokes, don't listen to me,
if you will only get dissapointed with me, don't expect anything from me,
if you don't like the way I touch you, don't reach out to me,
if you aren't in love with me, don't lie to my heart and tell me that you are.
A wish
I wish I could love you forever,
I hope you love me the same way I do you,
I want you to hold me in your arms and tell me you love me,
I see you looking at her like I look at you,
I feel how you only love me like a friend,
I know that we are perfect for eachother,
I wish you could see how much I really love you,
I Miss You !
I miss the way your eyes used to smile at me,
I miss the way you would hold me in your arms,
I miss how we could talk for hours,
I miss how you would let me scream at you and you would just say 'Baby, it's okay',
I miss the way you would look deep into my eyes,
I miss the way you always kissed me like nobody was around,
I still love you just the way you are !
I miss the way you would hold me in your arms,
I miss how we could talk for hours,
I miss how you would let me scream at you and you would just say 'Baby, it's okay',
I miss the way you would look deep into my eyes,
I miss the way you always kissed me like nobody was around,
I still love you just the way you are !